Friday, August 15, 2008

Disney tales #1

The Boy: Are you excited to go to Disneyland?

Me: YES! I'm so happy! Thanks for taking me!

The Boy: Have you ever been to Disneyland?

Me: Nope.

The Boy: You've never gone? Ever?

Me: Nope, I'm a Disneyland virgin.

The Boy: Wow. You must be beyond excited.

Me: I can't wait! I've mapped out our entire schedule so we can maximize our time there and be able to see everything at both parks.

The Boy: Oh great, you and your scheduling. Did you schedule in a pee time for me?

Me: I think I allotted a couple slots for bathroom breaks.

The Boy shakes his head.


The Boy: Yeah, we gotta survive the 6.5 hours drive down there first.

Me: Yeah, and then we're going to Disneyland!!! I'm like a kid high on sugar.

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