Saturday, August 26, 2006

1 week down, 119 more weeks to go until graduation

First week of law school in review:

Contracts, Lesson of the week: this is how the courts are set up, there's a federal court system and a state court system. You need to figure out which court system you are in first before you can determine which law to follow.....blah blah blah blah.

Intro to Law, lesson of the week: There are two court systems, federal and state and each have the same heirarchy to follow for precedent...blah blah blah blah.

Torts, lesson of the week: There are many kinds of torts and tort law, but before you can learn about the law of torts, you need to understand the court systems we follow....blah blah blah.

Criminal Law, lesson of the week...oh why am I bothering. You get the point. The same lesson was repeated in Property.

So, not a very exciting first week in class. I haven't been called on yet--I think the professors are afraid to screw up my mine. Well, I'm prepared as can be, so bring it on! Or maybe I should enjoy this lag while it lasts.

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