Monday, February 27, 2006

Creative Little Brother

This is a recent email exchange b/w me and my brother:

To: Sis
Fr: Bro
Subject: monkeys poo. new military weapon when flung

i demand more pictures of the cat. kitty kitty maow.


To: Bro
Fr: Sis
Subject: Re: monkey poo. new military weapon when flung

do you know how hard it is to take pictures of a cat? they never stop moving!


To: Sis
Fr: Bro
Subject: autum leaves turns into cherry blossoms: wrath of the ninja

you gotta be stealthy like a ninja.
take pictures when it doesn't know it's coming.
sneak up on your tippy toes behind said cat and grab it's tail
throw ninja stars at it and watch in amazement as the cat fend off each star with it's own ninja abilities.
and watch as it does it's ninja nap.



I don't know which is weirder: my brother's choice of words for subject titles or his advice on how to take pictures of a cat.

Anyhow, to my bro: here's a picture of a cat, even if it's not my cat, because I haven't perfected the ninja moves you suggested. And p.s.: Stella doesn't fling ninja stars, she flings her own claws.

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