Wednesday, May 28, 2008

130 baby!

The last time I weighed myself was at the last time I went to the gym, which was some time towards the end of April just right before finals started. At that time, I weighed 145 pounds.

So, let's just say it's been a little over a month since I last exercised and weighed myself. I found a scale in the bathroom yesterday at my current abode (summer sublet), and weighed myself. Much to my surprise, the scale showed that I currently weigh 130 pounds.


All this walking up and down the hills of SF must be paying off. Everyday, I walk at least 20 minutes to get to MUNI/BART to take me to work across the bay, and then another 20 minutes of walking to go back home. Walking to work is all downhill, but damnit, walking back home is all UPHILL, which kills me and leaves me out of breath. After the first week of work, my gluteous maximus was so sore, I couldn't move without feeling pain in my butt muscles (and leg muscles).

Although the legs are getting a nice workout, the belly is still not up to par for the summer six pack challenge. Must get started on those crunches...

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