Thursday, May 01, 2008

finals countdown

Two exams DONE! Two more exams and research paper to go!

I cannot believe what just happened to me in my family law exam. The exam started at 9am, and I was there and ready to go at 9am. The professor came and passed out the exams and we all started at 9am.

I started reading the question. I started outlining my answer. I started typing up coherent sentences for my answer.

After an hour into the hour, AN HOUR, the proctor comes in and said "EVERYONE STOP TYPING! WE NEED TO STOP YOUR EXAM RIGHT NOW. THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE EXAM."

This is 9:50 am. What the hell? Something wrong with the exam? What does that mean? Do we still have to take it? There wasn't anything wrong with it. I made all the assumptions before I stated my answer. Was it the correct test? Please say we don't have to reschedule this exam.

So everyone takes a quick stretch/bathroom break while the professor is discussing with the dean what to do. At 10am, the professor announces that there was a clerical error and the wrong version of the exam was handed out to us. So she's going to give us the new version, THE CORRECT ONE, and we will have to start all over and the exam will be 3 1/2 hours long.

And you know what? There was one, ONE, additional sentence added to "new correct version" of the exam. And that one sentence made my previous answer completely irrelevant, so I had to start over anyway.

It's a good thing I am not taking any more classes with this professor. And also because I have now determined that family law is a complete waste of my time.

Now I must study for my more exciting class of commercial transactions, which I have a 9am exam tomorrow.

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