Sunday, October 23, 2005

Things to Avoid at the Gym

I had about a week and a half off from the gym, went two days in a row and now my body is screaming for mercy. I should be at the gym right now, but decided to prolong it a little longer by writing this blog.

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be mean or insensitive, but apologies to anyone finds this insulting. These are things that some people just should not do.

-- women wearing only a sports bra, bearing their midriff, especially when their midriff sticks out farther than their breasts

-- a group shower that reminds you of high-school

-- women walking around naked in the locker room while they blow-dry their hair, weigh themselves, use the bathroom...come on ladies, have some decency to cover up! some of us are shy, and most of us just don't want to see you naked, especially if you're not fit to be seen naked.

-- running/riding/working out next to a person whose body odor only increases with each minute of work out

-- waiting forever for an exercise machine only to find puddles of sweat surrounding it. people, wipe up after yourselves!

-- men wearing a teeny tiny Speedo while doing laps in the pool. Speedos are not for everyone.

-- thin, white spandex pants

-- a red thong under thin, white spandex pants

-- people with cellulite wearing a red thong under thin, white spandex pants

-- your co-workers undressing in the locker room

-- your boss undressing in the locker room (didn't happen to me, yet...I saw a former boss, but thank goodness she didn't undress then!)

Okay, that's it for now. I know this list will have to be updated later.

I'm off to the gym, even if my poor muscles are protesting right now.

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