Wednesday, February 28, 2007

call on me! call on me!

I think my professors got together and decided that February is call on Q-Pig during class month.

The Prof for Constitutional Law calls on people according to a seating chart, going down the row from one person to the next, so it's pretty easy to guess when your turn is. So when it gets close to my row, I prepare better notes and try to act like I know what I'm talking about. Got called on for the first time two weeks ago and my "act" has worked so far.

The Prof for Civil Procedure likes to use his attendence list, pick a person to start with and then proceed alphabetically from that point. So, each day at the start of class, I hold my breath while waiting to hear who will be the first name he calls for the day. If the name starts with an A, I'm pretty sure I won't get called on. If the name starts with a K, I better listen and be ready to answer questions. Unfortunately, you don't get much warning if the Prof calls on you first, which happened to me last week. Luckily, I was semi prepared and was able to act like I knew everything I needed to know about joinder.

The Prof for Contracts just like to pick people at random, and unfortunately for that person, he/she will be picked on for the rest of the hour and will have to stand during the entire time. I had this same prof last semester, and he never called on me. I just assumed that he was afraid to butcher my name so that's why he never called on me. I admit, I started getting lazy for this class since I figured he'll just never attempt to pronounce my name so he'll never call on me. Yes, I did wonder why he just didn't use my last name, since it's not too hard to say a two letter word, even a foreign one. And what do you know? He decided to call on me today, using my last name. I was not prepared. I've been slacking off on the basis that he will never attempt to pronounce my first name. Of course I read the material, I just didn't "think" about it or properly analyzed it. Plus, I read this case three days ago so my memory was a bit fuzzy. Somehow, by the grace of some holier being, I survived the 40 minutes of questioning and the same time spent standing up holding a book.

The Prof for Property uses a "shuffle card" system. I also had her last semester and have yet to be called on. She claims that she shuffles the stack of cards, goes straight through the stack and then reshuffles. There are many people who have been called on three or four times already, so I seriously think she doesn't have a card for me. That, or my card is really glued to the back of someone else's card. So, yeah, I've been slacking in that class too. Knowing my luck, however, I'll probably get called on tomorrow because February is apparantly pick on Q-Pig month.

So, on that note, I'm going to read for Property.

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