Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I hate the gym.

But you all probably already know that.

After three weeks of gorging on food (winter break in San Francisco consisted mostly of eating at all of my favorite Asian restaurants because I will never be able to eat that kind of good food in Kansas City), and a week of being lazy once my vacation was over, I decided today was the day that I will jump back on the exercise wagon.

I now regret my decision. My thighs are hurting. My arms are hurting. My back is hurting. My fingers are hurting. And all I did was a 30 minutes run on the treadmill (but mind you, I ran 2.75 miles so WHOO HOO for that accomplishment!). I don't know why my fingers are hurting, but I figure that my body is in shock for putting it through such a rigorous workout after almost a month of not doing anything at all. I fear the pain my body will be in tomorrow.

And today's workout may seem a bit useless since I am going to eat pizza in about an hour and half. Why would I do that, you ask? Because it's for class??? Alright, watching The Money Pit and eating pizza is not a requirement for class, but if your property professor is hosting it and says it will be a fun learning experience, why not? And supposedly, we're suppose to learn something about property, so it's good enough reason for me. That and the pizza.

And for those of you who wants to procrastinate, I suggest you play this game: Who Wants to Marry a Founding Father? Kept me from reading my con law for about half an hour...

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