Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Movie and Coldstone Creamery

First of all, why are so many people at the movies on a Tuesday night? Don't you people have families to tend to or something? Good gosh, the theater was packed!

Okay, on to the movie. I should have been at the gym myself tonight. But a Freudian slip of the mind left me a gym bag with a tanktop, socks and no gym shorts whatsoever. So since I still had the rest of the night ahead of me, Q and I decided to go watch The Devil Wears Prada. The movie was *okay* and it held it's own, but the story was soo totally not like the book. I mean, the writers basically wrote a whole new storyline. They changed the characters around, made Andrea look like a total ditz when she's really not, and she so totally became a slut for about a minute (well it was really 6 hours in movie time).

Since we went directly to the movie after work, Q suggested Coldstone Creamery for dinner. Again, there was a bunch of people there. Shouldn't they be at home with their kids or something? It IS a weeknight. Anyhoo, there was about five people in line before us, and we waited patiently for our turn. Q was up first, so she gave her order and the guy behind the counter told us to go to the other side and he'll take care of both our orders.

Q: I want the to go "Mine" size of cake batter ice-cream, peanut butter and fudge.

Ice Cream Dude (ICD): "Mine" size? Are you going to be able to eat all of that? [takes two scoops of cake batter ice-cream and puts it on the slab and starts adding peanut butter and fudge]

Me: She's having a bad day. And you're making feel lots better.

ICD: Well, I'm glad I can make her happy.

Q: Oh, the "Mine" size allows for three toppings. Hmm, what to get....

ICD: Oh, get whatever you want, I'll hook you up.

Me: He'll hook you up, Q. Get whatever.

Q: Okay, can you put yellow cake in it too?

ICD: Anything for you. [gets MORE cake batter ice-cream and starts mixing in cake.] Oops, looks like I put too much ice-cream here. It's okay, if there's extra, I'll give you another container.

Q: Aww, thanks.

ICD: Just don't tell my manager.

Q: I promise.

ICD adds peanut butter to the mix and asks Q: Do you want to lick the peanut butter spoon?

Q: Sure!

Meanwhile, I'm trying to hold in my laughter because he is so totally flirting with us, well mostly her, but she doesn't catch on yet.

ICD: Here's your "Mine" pint and here's the extra ice-cream in another bowl. [looks at me] Now, what can I get for you?

Me: I want the same size as hers, but make it a Peanut Butter Perfection Madness.

ICD: Coming right up. [gets a ton of ice-cream, adds Reese's peanut butter cups and peanut butter] Do you want to lick the peanut butter spoon too?

Me: Sure.

ICD: So are you two like best friends or roommates or something?

Q: Yes, we are. Both.

ICD: Yeah? Roommates? What school do you go to?

Q: Umm [looks at me]

Me: We're...not...in..school anymore....

Q: Well, I am....you're soon going to be one...

Me: Well, we met in undergrad.

Q: Yeah, at Wellesley.

ICD: Where's that?

Me: Boston.

ICD: Are you both originally from here?

so right now, ICD is totally flirting with us both. I take a look at Q and quietly whisper "Are you showing your boobs or something? He's giving us a ton of ice-cream!" Q was not showing her boobs. We were both totally covered from head to toe, because you know, this is San Francisco summer.

Me: Um, I'm from Kansas and Boston. She's from South Carolina.

ICD: Oh okay. Hey, Nate here wants to be reassured that he's cute. Can you two just tell him that?

Q: All you, Q-Pig.

Me: Huh?

Nate [ICD's co-worker]: He's only saying that because he wanted to you know, indirectly, that he thought the both of you were cute.

Me: ha haha

Q: hee hee

ICD: Well, here's another pint of ice-cream and another extra bowl. You can eat this right here.

I start eating the cup of Peanut Butter Perfection and start moaning on the spot about how good the ice-cream was.

Me: Ohmygosh, this is delicious.

Q: Isn't it?

Me: You gotta some. Here.

And as I fed Q a spoonful of Peanut Butter Perfection, ICD guy totally blew his top. I think the other guys are staring at us now. Note to self: do not moan while eating ice-cream in public.

ICD: Wow.

Q: Here's a tip. Thanks for hooking us up!

ICD: Wow.

And we also got serended by ICD and the rest of the gang for giving them a tip. I'm pretty sure that was company policy though.

Q and I don't understand how we get hit on by totally random people. ICD guy was probably in high school, although he'll pass as an undergrad, but Q and I totally made his night by coming into the Coldstone Cremery he was working at. We will both probably be the topic of tomorrow's conversation at the lunch table.

Who knew a Blonde and an Asian makes such a hot combination. Is this some sort of fantasy for you guys? We need to take advantage of this combo.

Must now go confess to the Boy of the evening's festivities...

1 comment:

Q said...

For the record, I do not *normally* flash people...