Thursday, June 29, 2006


Quotes from the conductor of the L-train I was on today:

-People, get on the train behind me, this one isn't air conditioned. You'll be hot.

-People, get in so I can close the door.

-Get on the next train because you'll suffocate from the heat inside this non-air conditioned train.

-We're not moving because the train in front of us isn't moving.

-We'll move as soon as the train in front of us gets it's power back.

-The engineers are working on the system and making sure the trains move on schedule but it's putting so much pressure on the trains that we're not moving anywhere.

-Thank you for your patience.

-It's getting hot in here.

Good god, after two hours, TWO F**KING HOURS, of sitting on that train did I finally get off at my stop and walk through the door of my apartment.

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