Saturday, March 11, 2006

lasagna and hail

Last night, I made lasagna from scratch for the very first time.

(The Boy sorta rolled his eyes when I first announced my cooking goal earlier in the week. My specialty is cooking Asian food, and he didn't think I could accomplish anything outside that range. But I really wanted to make lasagna and Martha Stewart's recipe seemed easy enough to do so.)

I soaked the lasagna noodles. I made the sausage tomato sauce. I assembled the lasagna, layer by layer, topping it off with a ton of mozzerella. And then I looked at the pre-baked assembly and thought to myself: "Well, that doesn't look like the stuff I ate in middle school. It's so...flat." Putting my trust into Martha Stewart's recipe, I covered the lasagna with foil and stuck it in the oven for an hour.

While the lasagna was cooking, I tidied the apartment up a bit. Fed Stella some of her favorite Whiskas and played with her for a little bit. I also noticed that Bebe was floating in a very strange position and it looked like the end was near for her (She's been sick but all the fish remedies I've tried hasn't been working). But she was clearly still breathing and moving one fin, so I let her be.

As I was sweeping the floor, I heard a loud "BOOM!" and the lights, tv and streetlights all went black for a whole second, then turned back on again. Stella jumped a mile high from the noise and I swear my own heart stopped beating. The first thought that came to my mind: "That couldn't be the lasagna exploding, could it?" Before I could think of another scenario, there was another loud "BOOM!" but the lights didn't black out and now I'm thinking car bomb somewhere. I was afraid to go check on the lasagna for fear that it might have been my ancient oven exploding in the kitchen. Then I hear sirens so I look out my bedroom window and people are looking everywhere for the source of the BOOM. Two minutes later, there was another BOOM and the hail started coming down like it was on a mission to wipe out San Francisco. It only took five minutes for the hail to completely cover the streets and make the streets look like it had been snowed on. It was so surreal I had to take pictures.

It has never been this cold in San Francisco. I'm sure it has never snowed in San Francisco, or it hasn't in the last few decades. All over the Bay Area there were reports of snow and slick ice and people who've never experienced the tundra were trying to make a snow man out of this slush that just dropped upon us. Why the bizarre weather this month? Me thinks the end of the world is coming.

Well, the lasagna turned out great and the Boy ate it up with such fervor, one would have thought he hadn't eaten in days. And plus, he gave me two thumbs up for my cooking. =)

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