Saturday, May 02, 2009

healthy exam food eating

It's exam time and I haven't been eating very well. Also, since I'm moving soon, I don't want to fill my fridge with any more food. So, let's just say I've been eating out a lot.

Today, however, I needed to get some milk, so that meant I needed to go to the grocery store. I also needed to get some more packing tape and some duct tape, so I needed to get to the store eventually anyway.

I saw this very pretty flowering bush as I was walking to the grocery store. Unfortunately I only had my camera phone with me so I couldn't take a really good picture. The picture might have been prettier if I had my digital and I was able to use the macro function.

As I got closer to the grocery store, I noticed more and more people walking towards that direction. Why is this odd? Because it's Kansas City and people usually are driving everywhere, not walking. Turns out there was the annual art fair and people were parking far away and had to walk to the art fair.

So, after I finished shopping for my duct tape/packing tape and milk, and some other things I picked up along the way, I stopped by the food stands at the art fair and bought myself an Italian sausage.
It was a GIANT sausage - it was literally an inch thick. But it was good to munch on while I was waiting for the bus to take me and my groceries home.

And now back to studying.

One more exam left, and just a 20 page paper to finish up. After that, I just need to finish packing up my life, and then I'm outta here!

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