Friday, April 13, 2007

my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And their like
It's better than yours,
Damn right it's better than yours,
I can teach you,
But I have to charge"

.... .... .... .... ....

Now that I got that song out of my head, I just had to share this next piece of information I read about in the "Study Abroad Handbook" that was distributed to the group of us going to China for the summer. (Oh yeah, if I haven't told you about it, I'm doing a summer study program in Beijing, China this May to learn about comparative law. Me so excited!)

This handbook has information about everything from getting your passport to how you should act while studying abroad. There is this section titled "Safety Guidelines" and one point was specifically geared towards sex:

"10. Sex -- Although sex is not necessarily planned, safe sex should be. You should always be prepared for any eventuality. Therefore, even if you are not expecting to experience intimacy with anyone while overseas, bring a supply of condoms with you anyway. Keep in mind that American-made condoms are in general safer and more reliable than many of the ones you may purchase abroad."

Laughing yet? I'm laughing as I type this. But wait, there's more:

"If you are a woman do not be afraid of being perceived as promiscuous if you carry condoms, and do not expect male partners to always have their own."

Ha ha. See, wasn't that funny.

Don't worry about being called sluts, ladies. Even if you're not planning on roaming the streets looking for guys to randomly sleep with, you should prepare for those "just-in-case" moments and be safe about protecting yourself from contracting a disease or a foreign pregnancy and bring a box of American-made condoms. Just do it. And if you don't use it, you can pass it out to your foreign classmates who will probably appreciate the fact that they will now be better protected from the American-made condoms because apparantly, foreign countries don't know how to make condoms and America is superior as always.

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