Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's a happy day

UMKC Dean: So tell me a little about what you do for the Asian Legal Clinic.

Me: I am usually at their Immigration Clinic so most of the clients who come in usually have a deportation notice and wants to know what to do to be able to stay in the country. I'll take down as much information as possible about each client's situation, consult with the supervising attorney and then will inform the clients of possible options. And once in a blue moon, we'll be able to take on a case pro bono and actually represent the client in front of the immigration judge.

UMKC Dean: We have a very good international legal program here. Were you interested in international law?

Me: Yes. I am actually quite conflicted about two programs at UMKC, the litigation program adn the international law program. I'm currently working in litigation now and I'd like to continue to gain more experience in litigation. However, at the same time I would like go back to my undergraduate concentration and explore the international arena, specifically East Asia.

UMKC Dean: Would you be interested in the private or public sector of international law?

Me: More interest in the public sector than private, just because I want to help the people who can't afford to hire big wigs....


UMKC Dean: I hear a baby crying in the background???

Me: Oh that's no baby. {meoooowwww meooooowww} I do not have a baby. {meow meow meow} That's just my cat.

UMKC Dean: ...a cat? Why....

Jelly Belly: meow meow meow meow meow

Me: I locked her up earlier but she kept crying so I let her back out and she was just laying there and she wasn't making a peep for the last fifteen minutes...

UMKC Dean: Aww how cute...

[I'm frantically petting Jelly Belly so she would stop crying, but as I keep petting her, she keeps biting me and I had to bite my lip to keep from yelling oww.]

Me: ...but everytime I'm on the phone, she'll come crying and wants my attention.

UMKC Dean: Aww, she's jealous. Well, do you have any questions for us?

Me: Yes....[continues conversation with questions about clinics and inns.]

Me: And I guess the final obvious question is when will you have a definite answer about my application?

UMKC Dean: Oh we'll contact you within the next few days to let you know if you have an acceptance or if we decided to put you on the waitlist.

Me: That's great. It was nice speaking to you. Thank you for still being interested enough to call me and allowing me to share more with you over the phone.

-seven hours later-

I get a phone call from the admissions office at University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Law offering me an acceptance! Whoopie!!!!

Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam....oh wait that's the Kansas state song.


BF: The cat got you into UMKC. You should go home and reward her.


BF: August 18 is orientation at UMKC. Got to add that date to my calendar.

Me: How do you know when orientation is? Did you look it up already?!?

BF: Yep, just looking at their...

Me: I can't believe you're already planning for me to move away!!!

BF: ..but...

Me: I just told you the news an hour ago and you already know when orientation starts?!?

BF: ...umm...

Me: So how do you know when all the vacation dates are?


Yesterday, I bought a couple of scratch tickets. The Boy took first pick and won another scratch ticket. I took the second ticket and won $10! whoo-hoo! There's $10 towards law school fund. Aw, what the hell. Booze to celebrate now. Loans for law school later.


Yesterday, I lost my MUNI fast pass. Today, I bought another fast pass. Five minutes ago, my neighbor asks if I lost a fast pass because she found one in the lobby... Yay! But now what to do with the second fast pass?

1 comment:

Q said...

See? Aren't you glad StayPuft and Thumbs kept fighting with her so I had to give her away to you?

Yay Jelly Belly! (And yay for you!)