Saturday, March 21, 2009

you know you're in law school if...

You know you're in law school if...

1. You know the term "GUNNER" has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.

2. You join a club because you forgot to bring your lunch that day.

3. You think the creator of the Socratic method should have his face lit on fire and beaten out with a rake.

4. You answer every question with "It depends..."

5. You can name at least 3 people you want to throw things at when they raise their hands in class.

6. The term "oral argument" is both scary and slightly arousing.

7. You think tequila shots are essential to ordered liberty.

8. You strive to someday own Blackacre.

9. Sometimes during arguments you're tempted to 12(b)(6) the offending friend or family member.

10. You're pretty sure the "reasonable prudent man" is a friendless tool who still lives with his mother.

List courtesy of our law school's AWLS (2008-2009).

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