I went out with a couple of friends to celebrate a birthday and the non-birthday girl came up with the name of the outing: Fantabulous Birthday Celebration. And then that word has been stuck in my head ever since.
Anyhoo, we went to Happy Hour at George Brett's Restaurant. Do you know who George Brett is? Don't worry, I didn't either. George Brett was a player on the Kansas City Royals baseball team, and after a little searching, he's in the Hall of Fame too.
Here's a picture of the yummy mini-burgers and fries we ordered. The burger was about the size of a half dollar and the bun was about twice that size, so basically you're eating bread with meat on the side. The fries were yummy too. (That's not my hand.)
Doesn't this look like a full size sundae to you? Three full scoops of ice-cream, with toppings, and literally just half of a banana (so there's really no split in it). I was envisioning a half size version of a banana split, with smaller scoops of ice cream and half of a banana (cut in half vertically) that was split down the middle and placed on either side. But no, we got a full size sundae with "half a banana." Now, you gotta wonder what they do with the other half of the banana. Do they actually save it for another order? Wouldn't it turn brown? Or is it a snack for the chef? He needs his potassium too.
Who cares what happens to the other half of the banana. This half disappeared just the same. Good ending to a good meal.
And now I must go punish myself at the gym before doing any actual school work.
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