Sunday, November 19, 2006

Conversation of the Day

A little background: As we were driving to Queens, my friends and I were discussing people we knew from high school when somehow the conversation turned towards toilet humor. We were joking about using the john (one of the friends is named John) and then the Vietnamese equivalent of using the john, which resulted in the following conversation between me and my girl friend:

MM: My co-worker was in the Army, and he said that whenever someone had to go to the toilet, they would announce "I have to go see my head."

Me: Why would you want to go see your supervisor if you have to go pee?

MM: I don't know, but that's what he told me.

Me, with the lightbulb turning on: Um, you said that they always say that to let someone know that they're going to the toilet?

MM: Yeah.

Me: Oh my gosh. You know what "head" is slang for?

MM: Um, no? Should I?

Me: "I need to go see my head" means that he has to go see his penis.

MM: WHAT? Why the F would my co-worker tell me that?

Me: Head = penis. Get it?

MM: WTF? Why would he tell me something perverted like that?

Me: Boys will be boys.

The weirdest thing about the conversation? That the other three guys in the car didn't make the connection.

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