Monday, March 19, 2007

dum dum moment #4

"Option #2, $17.95 (minimum 2 people)"

Me: Honey, let's get this pre-set meal. It has everything we usually order anyway.

BF: Where? Let me see.

Me: Here, on the left side of the menu.

BF: Uh huh.

Me: It has potstickers, which you like. Then a soup dish, Honey Walnut Prawns, Princess Chicken and steamed rice. See, that should be enough for the two of us.

BF: And it's only $17.95?

Me: That's what it looks like to me.

BF: Okay, but ask if you can substitute steam rice for chicken chow mein.

Me: Okie dokie.

BF: Ever since you went back to school, you've been looking for cheap deals everywhere.

Me: Me so smart.


An hour later, after consuming all the food set out in front of us, the bill arrives and The Boy is looking at it strangely.

Me: What's wrong? Did they make a mistake with the bill?

BF: I don't know why the total is $54....

Me: What?! Let me see.

BF: I thought the meal was only $17.95.

Me: HA HA HA. We're such dum dums.

BF: Huh?

Me: It's $17.95 PER PERSON, minimum requirement of two people.

BF: Ohhhhh. Well, that makes more since because this is an upscale tourist trap.

Me: I was kinda wondering why they offered something for so cheap. Oh well. Lesson learned.


Cost of this dum dum moment: $61.00 for lunch for two and a blow to both our egos.

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